A documentary about Red Tide, phosphate pollution, and technological solutions. NFT road map and film description.

What does the food you eat, dead fish, and a New York city hedge fund have in common?

Over 215 million gallons of radioactive pollution were dumped into Tampa Bay from Piney Point. 3.2 million pounds of dead fish were removed from Pinellas county beaches alone. Tourism declined, the marine environment was destroyed, and everyone wanted someone to blame.

Phosphate gypsum is a byproduct of creating fertilizer. Florida produces 75% of the fertilizer used by American farmers, and 25% of the entire world supply. The corn on your plate, the sugar in your drink, the beer in your glass, and every part of your sandwich or burger all depend on Florida’s fertilizer industry. Only the fish caught in Florida’s waters are providing meals without fertilizer, but now they are ending up dead and diseased from red tide. Red tide is an algae with powerful and potent neurotoxins that can kill marine animals and be harmful to humans. Red tide is naturally occurring, but what do you think happens when radioactive fertilizer becomes the food source for toxic algae? Blood In The Water.

The facility was built in the 1960s, and reflective of the laws at that time. A New York City hedge fund run by “The Vulture of Wall Street” targets companies on the verge of bankruptcy, squeezing every cent of value out of them and leaving the remains for the government to clean up and taxpayers to pay the bill. Now everyone is out for blood, the citizens blame the government, the government blames the business, and the business is hunting its next victim.

This documentary isn’t just highlighting problems, we’re looking to solve them. We’ve found several companies inventing technology that can mitigate and prevent further environmental and economic damage. One of those companies is Annomolus Industries. By featuring their solutions, and several other company’s, we can provide a roadmap to the community navigating all of us out of these waters.

This is a bi-partisan issue, and a cause that can bring our communities together when politics are so dividing. It is time citizens, scientists, businesses, and politicians unite and exert change by implementing strategies that ensure the future of our state for generations to come. Communities have always been responsible for powerful change, our community in web3 will be no different.

This documentary will be made possible entirely by people like you. Our NFT community will enable the film being made, and our DAO will decide what to do with the resources it generates. We’ve developed mechanics to continue supporting solutions even after the film is released. We’re not doing this for a payday, we’re doing this to inspire change. Abracadabra Films is making magic, in the real world and the digital one. We’re going to show the world what’s possible when communities come together.

There’s blood in the water…  Are you ready to join the frenzy?

OpenSea Art Prices

Red set of 47 at 0.03 ETH

Blue set of 15 at 0.1 ETH

BITW set of 20 at 0.5 ETH

Ka signature set of 13 at 1 ETH

*Holders of the BITW set and Ka signature set will receive the largest portion of DAO tokens, unlockable utilities, and if desired be listed and thanked in the credits within the film. Ka signature set holders will receive airdropped ETH once principle photography is complete and again once the film is released.*


A collector who purchases 4x of Ka Signature set will be offered another 1x of Ka Signature set for $1 USD worth of ETH.

A collector who purchases 8x of Ka Signature set will be offered 1x of Ka Signature set and 2x of BITW set for $1 USD worth of ETH each.

A collector who purchases 6x of BITW set will be offered 1x of Ka Signature set and 1x of BITW set for $1 USD worth of ETH each.


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